Lung Mock Study Section Fall 2024

Banner for Lung Research Center with image of lungs

When: September 9th 10:00-11:00am & September 12th 4:00-5:00pm

Specific Aims (LOI) Submission Deadline: Monday, August 12th, 11:59 PM

Full Application Submission Deadline: Monday, August 26th, 11:59 PM

All pulmonary-related mentored K grant and early-stage investigator R01 applicants are strongly encouraged to participate.

This is a special opportunity for early-stage investigators to receive critical feedback on NIH proposals by senior investigators who will help identify strengths, deficiencies, lack of clarity, etc. Similar programs at other institutions have shown significantly increased NIH grant success rates for those who have participated.  

To participate, please be aware of the following:  

  • Specific Aims (letter of intent) must be submitted using the following link by Monday, August 12:  
  • Full applications must be submitted by Monday, August 26. A link will be provided once Specific Aims has been submitted.
  • Full applications must include the following components:
    • Abstract
    • Specific Aims
    • Research Proposal
    • Budget
    • Biosketch
    • Human or Animal subjects (if applicable)
    • Career Development Plan (for mentored awards)  
  • To receive feedback, you must be present (virtually) for the mock study section, which will be held on either September 9th 10:00-11:00am or September 12th 4:00-5:00pm. Individual grant reviews will be scheduled for 30 minutes within these time frames.  
  • Applicants will be able to listen in and take notes, but will not be allowed to offer comments or clarification.  
  • Grants will be scored by the committee, but summary statements or other written reports will not be provided.  
  • Applicants will be expected to apply to the NIH June deadline and once received, will be asked to provide NIH scores to the Lung Research Center.

We hope you take advantage of this opportunity to have your application pre-reviewed by senior investigators before you apply to the NIH.

“I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciated the mock study section. It was instrumental in pointing out all the weaknesses in my training plan and science rationale. I took all of the advice to heart and together, with my mentors, I poured over the comments and revised the grant. Therefore, I know for sure this score would not be possible without this feedback.”

– Mock study section participant who received an impact score of 13 on a K08

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